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Blog Post

Speeding Up API Endpoints with Python Asyncio

18 min to complete · By CodingNomads Team

How to use Python Asyncio

As a developer, you want the APIs you write to be as fast as possible. So what if I told you that with one trick,
you might be able to increase the speed of your API by 2x, 3x, or maybe even 4x? In this article you will
learn how to utilize Python asyncio, the HTTPX library, and the Flask micro framework to optimize certain parts of your API.

In this tutorial you will:

  1. Write a small HTTP API using the popular Python framework: Flask.
  2. Use HTTPX, an awesome modern Python HTTP client that supports async.
  3. Familiarize yourself with a small subset of the Python asyncio library.

Hold on tight, because you’re about to speed up your Flask API endpoints using Python asyncio!

One App, Two Endpoints

To begin this feat of strength, you will write a simple Flask app with two endpoints. One will be asynchronous and the other will not.

Note: For maximum compatibility, please make sure you are using Python 3.8 or newer.

Begin by creating a directory to hold your code and create a virtual environment in it:

mkdir asyncapi
cd asyncapi
python3 -m venv env/

Activate the virtual environment and install Flask with async support:

source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install "Flask[async]"

Next, place the following code in a file named app.py:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_data():
    return 'ok'

async def async_get_data():
    return 'ok'

You now have a fully working Flask API with two endpoints. If you are new to Flask and are curious what is going on here, check out the Flask quickstart documentation
or dive deep into web development with Flask.

Notice that the second endpoint, /async_get_data uses the async def syntax for defining it’s method. Still, this endpoint does exactly the same as the normal /get_data endpoint, except that you can run asynchronous code in it. As it is written now, however, it is not any faster. You can prove this by running our API and making a few calls with cURL.

Start the Flask development server:

flask run

With your development server up and running, you can use time in a new terminal to show
that the execution time of cURL requests to both endpoints return in about the same time.

Note: The following command output may look different depending on which operating system and shell you are using. As long as you have the time command, you should be able to see the result.

First, measure the synchronous endpoint:

time curl "http://localhost:5000/get_data"
Executed in    7.28 millis    fish           external
   usr time    5.86 millis  248.00 micros    5.61 millis
   sys time    0.03 millis   32.00 micros    0.00 millis

Notice the line that says “Executed in 7.28 millis”. That’s pretty quick.

Now use time again to measure the the async endpoint:

time curl "http://localhost:5000/async_get_data"
Executed in   21.77 millis    fish           external
   usr time    2.48 millis    0.00 micros    2.48 millis
   sys time    2.77 millis  293.00 micros    2.48 millis

Are you surprised to see that the asynchronous version was slower?

The asynchronous request took about 3x longer than the synchronous request!
The difference between 7 miliseconds and 21 miliseconds is not noticeable to the human eyes.
Still, this is a good demonstration that there can be overhead to using Python asyncio,
so it is not faster in all situations.

Two Endpoints, One Fast, One Slow

In order to see the async_get_data endpoint become faster than it’s sync counterpart, you’ll have to make the endpoints actually do some work. One common case for APIs is that they need to make calls to other APIs, for example, to fetch the weather for a specific location from a third party service.

You can add HTTP requests to your API using a combination of httpx and Flash, a service that intentionally returns slow HTTP responses. Why slow? Because you want to be able to simulate large and or slow external APIs which will help exaggerate the effect of using asyncio.

First, install the httpx library:

python -m pip install httpx

Modify app.py to look like this:

from flask import Flask
import asyncio
import httpx

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_data():
    response_1 = httpx.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')
    response_2 = httpx.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')

    return {
        'response_1': response_1.status_code,
        'response_2': response_2.status_code

async def async_get_data():
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        coroutine_1 = client.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')
        coroutine_2 = client.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')
        results = await asyncio.gather(coroutine_1, coroutine_2)

        return {
            'response_1': results[0].status_code,
            'response_2': results[1].status_code

Both endpoints now make two GET requests to https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/, which returns a simple response after one second. The first function get_data() should look familiar to anyone who has used the Python requests library. response_1 contains the result of the first API call, and response_2 contains the result of the second API call. The method then returns the status code of each response.

The second function, async_get_data(), looks a bit different, although the end result is the same. Going step by step, this is what is happening:

async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:

The code creates an asynchronous context manager which makes the client object available. This is the same thing as a normal context manager, except that it allows the execution of asynchronous code. client is what makes the actual HTTP calls.

Next, you assign two variables to the results of calling client.get() on the two API calls to the Flash API:

coroutine_1 = client.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')
coroutine_2 = client.get('https://flash.siwalik.in/delay/1000/')

At first you might assume that the results of the API calls will be stored in these variables but actually coroutine_1 and coroutine_2 are co-routines, not HTTP responses.

results = await asyncio.gather(coroutine_1, coroutine_2)

Now the magic of async happens. Here the return value of asyncio.gather() is assigned to the result variable, and it is awaited. When you see the await keyword, it means that the code will block execution there until the call to a co-routine is complete. The .gather() method itself is a co-routine, and will execute a sequence of other co-routines (like [coroutine_1, coroutine_2]) concurrently, and then return a list of results.

Finally, the method returns the status code for each HTTP response by accessing it within the array of results.

return {
    'response_1': results[0].status_code,
    'response_2': results[1].status_code

Calling get_data() and async_get_data() should result in the exact same result, but async_get_data() will complete much faster. How much faster do you think it will finish?

Timing the Results

Now that you have an API with two endpoints that do the same thing, except one is asynchronous and one is not, you should return to using cURL to time them.

Note: At this point, you may have to restart the Flask dev server to pick up your changes.

Start with get_data:

    time curl "http://localhost:5000/get_data"
    Executed in    3.56 secs      fish           external
       usr time    0.29 millis  295.00 micros    0.00 millis
       sys time    5.00 millis   48.00 micros    4.96 millis

You can see that both responses return an HTTP 200, and in total your endpoint took about 3.5 seconds to return. That makes sense: the external endpoints provided by Flash paused for one second each and the extra 1.5 seconds of other overhead can be accounted for in DNS lookups, TCP connections, slow Comcast internet, and other internet related spaghetti.

Next, try timing the async_get_data endpoint:

    time curl "http://localhost:5000/async_get_data"
    Executed in    1.81 secs      fish           external
       usr time    6.21 millis  342.00 micros    5.87 millis
       sys time    0.06 millis   59.00 micros    0.00 millis`

If in the previous section you guessed that the async version would be about twice as fast, you are correct! Why? Because Flask ran the calls to the external API concurrently. That means that in this case, the entire act of retrieving the results from the Flash API was only as slow as the slowest call.

In fact, you can try adding a third call to each method. The first endpoint will take roughly 1.5 seconds longer, while the async version will still execute in roughly 1.8 seconds. You can keep adding HTTP calls to the async version and it should continue to return in roughly the same amount of time until you start hitting various hardware, network and operating system level constraints.

A Real World Use Case for Python Asyncio

HTTP calls aren’t the only place where Python asyncio can make a difference. In fact, you can see other use cases right there in the name of the Python module: asyncio stands for Asynchronous Input/Output.

Many APIs are backed by databases and getting the results of a SQL query from a database server is often bound by I/O. You could replace one of the calls to the Flash API in our app with a call to a database instead. Imagine this DB call takes 500 milliseconds to return.

The synchronous endpoint, get_data, takes roughly 1.5 seconds to return the result:

  • 1 second for the HTTP call

  • 0.5 seconds for the database callThe asynchronous endpoint, async_get_data, takes roughly 1 second to return the result:

  • 1 second for the HTTP call

  • 0.5 seconds for the database call

Even though the individual calls take the same amount of time, they both execute concurrently.
This means the total time is only as long as it takes the slowest operation to return the result.
You just saved 0.5 seconds by using asyncio!

Keep in mind that if you need the results of one async call for the next async call, this won’t be much help.
In that case you can only start running the second call when the first one is complete,
which would bump your total time back to a synchronous execution time.


In this article you learned how Python asyncio can speed up your application considerably in situations where your code is waiting on multiple instances of Input/Output. You also learned how asyncio can be used effectively and easily with the Flask web framework and the HTTPX library.

asyncio won’t always make your API faster, but in certain situations it can make a huge difference like demonstrated in this tutorial. Keep what you learned here in mind when writing your code in the future and you might gain some easy performance wins!

Want to learn more?

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About the Author: Austin Riba is a Freelance Developer with 10 years professional software engineering experience in a variety of industries, technologies and roles. Over this time he’s taken on the role of a generalist with experience in full stack development, DevOps and product management.

Austin was lured into technology and the web at an early age by the promise of being able to build something and share it with the world. He still gets excited about it to this day. You can see Austin’s portfolio and fun side projects at Pedal Driven Programming.