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Python Web Development Career Track enroll

Become a professional Python developer. Learn to build your own products, scripts, and automations from scratch using Python, Django, Flask, SQL, APIs, and more. Learn to think like a Python developer, and dive into the wonderful black hole of tinkering with code until it works! This track starts with Python basics, and takes you through building complete Python full stack web applications.

  • Level

    Beginner to professional

  • Duration

    1190 Hours. Or, ~14 months of dedicated learning @ 15-20 hours per week

  • What's included

    [x] lessons [x] videos [x] quizzes. [x] code samples. [x] labs. [x] mini projects. [x] portfolio projects

  • Certificate

    Python certification in web development

There are 9 courses in this track. Start from the top and work your way down.

  1. Python 101 - Introduction to Python icon

    Python 101 - Introduction to Python enroll

    In this first module of the Python course, you'll learn how to code using the Python programming language. You'll get to know some of the fundamental concepts of programming, write procedural scripts, and build interesting projects that can show you the value of knowing how to code.

    • Course
    • Beginner
    • Python
  2. Python 201 - Procedural Python icon

    Python 201 - Procedural Python enroll

    In this second module of the Python course, you'll learn how to code using the paradigm of procedural programming. You'll get to know additional data types and control structures in Python, learn how to work with functions, and how to use APIs to interact with sources on the Internet.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Python
  3. SQL & Databases (MySQL) icon

    SQL & Databases (MySQL) enroll

    Learn the fundamentals relational databases and the Structured Query Language (SQL) using MySQL.

    • Course
    • Beginner
    • SQL & Databases
  4. Python 301 - Object-Oriented Python icon

    Python 301 - Object-Oriented Python enroll

    In this module of the Python course, you'll learn how to write programs using the object-oriented approach to programming. You'll get to know how to model your code around objects and classes and apply this way of programming by building a game. You'll also learn about web scraping, exception handling, and writing tests for your programs.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Python
  5. Django Web Framework icon

    Django Web Framework enroll

    Learn Python's popular web framework, Django, and many other concepts you will need to start building complex, dynamic web applications using Python. In this course, you will also use the PostgreSQL database and deploy your applications to the internet using both Microsoft Azure and Heroku.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Python
    • Django
  6. Flask Web Framework icon

    Flask Web Framework enroll

    Note: This course is currently being published on this platform. It will be available shortly. If you'd like to continue with the Flask course now, you can visit this course on CodingNomads' legacy learning platform. Learn how to quickly and efficiently build scalable web applications and web services using Python and the Flask Web (Micro) Framework.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Flask
    • Python
  7. JavaScript 101 icon

    JavaScript 101 enroll

    Gain strong foundation in core JavaScript. Learn the basics of what JavaScript is, where its run, through the fundamental syntax, events, requests, all the way to dynamic websites that you can host and share with the world.

    • Course
    • Beginner
    • JavaScript
  8. JavaScript 201 icon

    JavaScript 201 enroll

    Learn modern syntax and advanced design patterns for building maintainable websites. You'll start leaning heavily into the world of single-page-applications where JavaScript takes over almost everything.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • JavaScript
  9. Data Structures & Algorithms icon

    Data Structures & Algorithms enroll

    Learn many of the most common data structures and algorithms, including Arrays, LinkedLists, Stacks, Queues, Hashmaps, and Trees. Dive into sorting algorithms using the bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, and quick sort.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Java
    • Python

Track your progress in the Python Web Development Career Track

Enroll for free
Two men sitting at a desk with their laptops collaborating on Python

Get off the technical sidelines

  • Learn to build software from the ground up, so you can work on technical projects and manage development teams.
  • Learn computer science principles and best practices in the most user-friendly and popular language… Python 🐍
  • Increase your job opportunities and salary potential with strong technical skills and portfolio projects.
Man smiling while sitting at desk with laptop

Learn the full Python web development skills package

In the world of Python tutorials, it’s easy to wonder if you’re missing anything.

Our Python bootcamp starts with Python for beginners, and guides you step-by-step through building robust, full stack Python web development applications. Rest assured that you’re learning the skills you need.

Learn faster with a Python bootcamp mentor

Meet weekly with a professional Python developer to get your questions answered, and get guidance to go deeper.

By joining CodingNomads mentorship program, you’ll work 1:1 with technical and career mentors to get consistent support whenever you need it.

Rasmus G.

Rasmus G.

Python Career Track

"I decided to go with CodingNomads after thoroughly researching coding boot-camps for the best Python options in terms of curriculum, timing, quality of the facilities, teachers and support staff... It was clear from the start that [the course creator]...had put incredible effort into the course material which was well structured, friendly, upbeat and super-useful on all levels...I am left in awe of the fact that I am actually now capable of building the complex trading platform I have set out to do... "

Read more reviews on SwitchUp
Aleksei K.

Aleksei K.

Python Career Track

"CodingNomads is my second online bootcamp but it definitely stands on the 1st place for me. Its community is small but friendly and in case of questions - you'll always receive an answer or feedback...I've tried different books and free courses to learn Python, so I have some experience in self learning :) Based on this experience, I can say that CodingNomads Python online course is constructed with surprising balance between the code explanation/videos, labs,...links to outer useful resources and self learning... "

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Kadri R.

Kadri R.

Python Career Track

"Exactly what I was looking for! From day 1 we dove deep into Python, the pace was fast but never did I feel that I was left behind...

[My mentor was] one of a kind - smart, fun and approachable, adding even more to the experience. Would totally do another one! :) "

Read more reviews on SwitchUp
Simon B.

Simon B.

Python Career Track

"Right from the off I felt like I could go to the CodingNomads guys for anything. My tutor during the online course phase spent as much time as it needed for me to understand a concept... [CodingNomads] broke very complex problems down in ways we could all understand... Finally one of the advantages of attending such a course is the people you meet; they all became another invaluable source of support...Thanks to everyone at CodingNomads and my fellow students for an incredible experience. "

Read more reviews on SwitchUp

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in the Python web development career track?

The Python career track includes the following courses in sequential order:

  • Python 101
  • Git & GitHub
  • Python 201
  • SQL & Databases
  • APIs & Databases
  • Python 301
  • Django Framework and / or Flask Framework
  • JavaScript Fundamentals (optional)

Throughout each course of the Python web development career track, you’ll learn:

  • How to build complex, scalable software applications from scratch
  • Python basics and programming fundamentals
  • Git & GitHub, the CLI, PyCharm IDE, virtual environments
  • Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming
  • Django MVC, Templating, Dynamic URL Linking, Automated Tests, Static Files, Bootstrap
  • Relational Databases: design, build, deploy and maintain modern databases using
  • RESTful APIs, Django Models, Django ORM, Migrations, SQLite3, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and Flask-Migrate
  • Django REST framework: Serializers, Postman development & testing
  • Flask Microframeworks, Jinja2, Bootstrap, Error Handling, GET & POST requests, Application Factory, Unit Testing, User Authentication, and more.
  • Flask REST API, prepare your data with Serializers, and learn to use API Blueprint, Status Codes, and Authentication.
  • DevOps & Deployment: Heroku, Microsoft Azure, Network Security Groups, Gunicorn, Nginx

What’s the difference between the Python course and the Python career track?

Career tracks contain multiple courses that go from beginner to professional.

The Python 101 course is the first course in each of our two Python career tracks: Python Data Science + Machine Learning, Deep Learning with Python, and Python Full Stack Web Development.

Start with the Python Course to learn Python basics and Python for beginners.

How much does CodingNomads Python bootcamp cost?

We have three enrollment options with varying levels of access and support.

  1. Enroll for free: Track your progress and access thousands of pages of documentation.
  2. Premium Membership: Access all the videos, interactive content, apply for certificates, and join our Discord forum.
  3. Bootcamp Mentorship: get dedicated support from technical and career mentors - our version of an online coding bootcamp.

See pricing and enrollment options.

How does the online bootcamp mentorship program work?

Bootcamp mentorship programs help you learn faster and keep a strong pace, and also give you professional insight and a community to learn with.

In the bootcamp mentorship program, you’ll be paired 1:1 with a technical mentor for weekly meetings, and 24/7 access to reach out to the entire community for guidance and support when you need it. After you complete the curriculum with technical mentorship, you can enroll in career mentorship to help you land your next job.

Read about our online coding bootcamp mentorship programs.

Are there live lectures on a set schedule?

No. All lectures are pre-recorded, so you can complete the curriculum on the schedule that works for you.

The only live requirements are in our coding bootcamp mentorship programs, where you meet each week with your mentor.

Does this program offer a Python certification?

Yes. Certificates are available if you are enrolled in Premium Membership or a Bootcamp progam. Here’s how to receive your Python certification:

  • If you are enrolled in Premium Membership or a Bootcamp program, you can request a certificate at the end of each course. If you enroll in a career track program, most students request one comprehensive Python certification at the end, but you can request a certificate for each individual course if you choose.
  • We review your work and provide feedback for any remaining elements needed to issue your certificate.
  • Once you meet the graduation criteria, we'll issue your certificate to the email associated with your account.

Is there a Python certification exam?

We do not have one singular, comprehensive Python certification exam. Instead, each of our courses includes quizzes, lab assignments, journal entries, and projects that all must be completed in order to receive a Python certification

How long does it take to learn Python?

As you can probably guess, how long it takes to learn Python depends on your previous experience and your learning speed.

On average, for students studying part-time, beginner students need 2-4 months to learn Python basics, and another 3-6 months to learn advanced Python skills in data science or web development. In total, on average, students need 5-10 months studying part-time to go from beginner to professional in Python web development. How long to learn Python breakdown:

2-4 months: Learn Python basics, SQL, APIs, Git & GitHub.

3-6 months: Learn Python advanced courses. To qualify for most professional jobs, you’ll need to pair your Python programming skills with an advanced specialization in Python Data Science + Machine Learning, Deep Learning with Python, or Python Full Stack Web Development.

1-6 months: Job search. In addition to learning Python, you’ll want to consider the time it will take you to get a job. This can sometimes be the toughest part. Don’t worry though, because we can help you out with career mentorship.

What if I plan to study full-time?

If you plan to study full-time, great! You can expect to learn faster than the average times mentioned above.

That said, learning to code is not just about reading curriculum and watching videos. To become a professional, you must do the work. Writing code and building projects from scratch takes time, no matter how many hours per week you study.

To go from beginner to professional studying full-time, you should still expect a minimum of 4-6 months to gain the proficiency to build a job-worthy portfolio project, pass technical interviews, and succeed on the job.

Are the courses project-based?

Yes. We teach the real-world tasks of software engineers, so you get plenty of practice building projects using professional developer tools and IDEs. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must complete the project assignments within each course.

Course structure

Our curriculum generally follows a “read something, watch something, do something” format:

  • First, you read documentation that introduces a concept.
  • Next, you watch a video that demonstrates the concept.
  • Finally, you practice writing the concept in your IDE through lab exercises, assignments, quizzes, journal entries, project assignments and more.

Our curriculum may not include a video or assignment for every concept, but at the end of each course, you’ll have the opportunity to implement all learned concepts into your capstone project.

Is Python hard to learn?

Python has become the darling of the data community because it’s easier to work with than other programming languages like R, C, and even Java. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Whether or not Python is hard to learn depends on you. If you enjoy problem-solving, logic, data, numbers, and trying new things until you figure something out, learning Python may come easier for you.

If spending hours scouring code to find the tiny little bug that’s breaking the whole thing sounds like a nightmare to you, Python may be harder to learn for you.

Becoming proficient enough to get a job using Python will take months of dedicated study. At some point, you’ll certainly find yourself confused, stuck, or frustrated. But if you can embrace the challenge and stay self-motivated to figure it out, learning Python is worth the effort!

What is Python?

Python is an open-source, general-purpose programming language widely used in data science, machine learning, web development, application development, automation, Fintech, and more.

Python is a server side language, also known as a back end language. This means Python runs on the server, and is responsible for processing the logic behind user inputs, interacting with databases and other servers, etc.

In recent years, Python’s popularity has surged because of its extensive resources and libraries built for data science, machine learning, data visualization, and artificial intelligence (AI).

To learn more about what Python is and why it’s worth it to learn Python, check out our blog: Why Learn Python.

What is Python used for?

Python is used for many things, primarily:

  • Data science: machine learning, deep learning, AI, data visualization
  • Web development
  • General software application development
  • Scripting and automation
  • Financial analysis and modeling

For more details about what Python is used for, check out our blog: What is Python Used For?