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Learn Java online: The best language for becoming a software engineer

Increase your job opportunities and salary potential. Learn with one of the best online Java courses.

  • Java continues to dominate the job market as one of the world’s most widely-used languages.

  • Become a Java pro by following beginner-to-professional curriculum in the Java Career Track.

Start here

About Java 101

Java 101 is the first in a three course series that also includes Java 201, and Java 301. This series is a prerequisite for the Advanced Java & Spring course.

Course Logo
  • Java 101 - Fundamentals
  • Beginner
  • Lesson
  • Java 101
  • Introduction

Career Tracks


  1. Java 101 - Fundamentals icon

    Java 101 - Fundamentals enroll

    Learn the fundamentals. This course starts from square one, installing Java, and continues through operators, variables, loops, and arrays. This course is the perfect first step for aspiring Java developers.

    • Course
    • Beginner
    • Java
  2. Java 201 - Object-Oriented Programming icon

    Java 201 - Object-Oriented Programming enroll

    Learn Object-Oriented Programming in Java. What are Java object? How to use Java classes? This course dives deep into all things OOP: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Abstraction. Unlock your OOP skills and level up your programming capabilities.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Java
  3. Java 301 - Advanced Concepts  icon

    Java 301 - Advanced Concepts enroll

    Learn advanced Java programming concepts including exception handling, multithreading, input/out, generics, lambda expressions, method references, JDBC, and advanced data structures and algorithms.

    • Course
    • Advanced
    • Java
  4. Data Structures & Algorithms icon

    Data Structures & Algorithms enroll

    Learn many of the most common data structures and algorithms, including Arrays, LinkedLists, Stacks, Queues, Hashmaps, and Trees. Dive into sorting algorithms using the bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, and quick sort.

    • Course
    • Intermediate
    • Java
    • Python
  5. Advanced Java + Spring Framework icon

    Advanced Java + Spring Framework enroll

    Learn advanced Java and the Spring Framework to build highly scalable, robust, enterprise-grade Java applications. You'll learn modern development techniques and build dozens of complex applications such as RESTful APIs, dynamic web applications, fool-proof security systems and much more. When you finish this course, you'll be a legitimately capable software developer.

    • Course
    • Advanced
    • Spring
    • Java

Java is the best language? Really?

Java may not get all the hype, but it gets the jobs. Graduates of our Java Career Track get hired, because Java is in-demand for junior-level roles. If you want to become a software engineer, learning Java is a strong choice. Start the Java course now.

For more reasons why Java is worth the effort, check out our blog - Why Learn Java.

Why learn Java with CodingNomads

Since 2016, CodingNomads has been one of the few (and fierce!) coding bootcamps to teach the full package of professional Java skills. It’s our bread and butter. Our graduates are crushing it. Even this site was built with it!

That’s why Forbes and ZDNet ranked us as one of the best online Java courses.

Start the Java course now.

Learn faster with support

Learning to code can be overwhelming – where to start, where to go next, what NOT to do, and what you might be missing.

Meet weekly with a mentor, and reach out anytime you need help in our online coding bootcamp mentorship programs.

Join our community

Start learning for free. Unlock everything for just $29 per month, or choose mentorship to reach your goals faster.

Learn about membership

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in the Java bootcamp?

To see what you’ll learn in the Java Course, please visit the Java 101, Java 201](/course/java-programming-201) and Java 301 course overview pages.

For the complete list of courses and learnings in our beginner-to-professional Java curriculum, visit our Java Career Track page.

What’s the difference between the Java course and career track?

The Java career track contains multiple courses, and the “Java course” is the first set of courses in the career track. Start with Java 101 to learn Java online from the beginning.

How much does CodingNomads Java bootcamp cost?

There are 3 ways to learn Java online with us:

  1. Enroll for free: Track your progress and access thousands of pages of documentation.
  2. Premium Membership: Access all the videos, interactive content, apply for certificates, and join our Discord forum.
  3. Bootcamp Mentorship Programs: get dedicated support from technical and career mentors - our version of an online coding bootcamp.

See pricing and enrollment options.

How do the online bootcamp mentorship programs work?

CodingNomads' Bootcamp Mentorship programs help you learn faster and keep a strong pace, and also give you professional insight and a community to learn with.

In the bootcamp mentorship program, you’ll be paired 1:1 with a technical mentor for weekly meetings, and 24/7 access to reach out to the entire community for guidance and support when you need it. After you complete the curriculum with technical mentorship, you can enroll in career mentorship to help you land your next job.

Read about our online coding bootcamp mentorship programs.

Are there live lectures on a set schedule?

No. All lectures are pre-recorded, so you can complete the curriculum on the schedule that works for you.

The only live requirements are in our coding bootcamp mentorship programs, where you meet each week with your mentor.

Does this program offer a Java certification?

Yes. Certificates are available if you are enrolled in Premium Membership or a bootcamp program. Here’s how to receive your Java certification:

  1. If you are enrolled in Premium Membership or a bootcamp program, you can request a certificate at the end of each course. If you enroll in the Java Career Track program, most students request one comprehensive Java certification at the end, but you can request a certificate for each individual course if you choose.
  2. We review your work and provide feedback for any remaining elements needed to issue your certificate.
  3. Once you meet the graduation criteria, we'll issue your certificate to the email address associated with your account.

How long does it take to learn Java?

As you can probably imagine, how long it takes to learn Java depends on your previous experience, your learning speed, and how much time you can commit.

On average, graduates of our Java Career Track mentorship programs need 6-12 months to go from absolute beginner to job-ready full stack Java developer, when dedicating 15-20 hours per week to studying.

Here’s how it breaks down:

3-6 months: Learn Java, Git & GitHub, SQL. This is the first part of the Java Career Track, where you learn critical Java programming and software engineering fundamentals.

3-6 months: Advanced Java, Spring Framework, AWS. This is the final part of the Java Career Track, where you learn how to build and deploy full-stack web applications - skills that are required for becoming a full stack Java developer.

What if I plan to study full-time?

If you plan to study full-time, great! You can expect to learn faster than the average times mentioned above.

That said, learning to code is not just about reading curriculum and watching videos. To become a professional, you must do the work. Writing code and building projects from scratch takes time, no matter how many hours per week you study.

To go from beginner to professional studying full-time, you should still expect a minimum of 4-6 months to gain the proficiency to build a job-worthy portfolio project, pass technical interviews, and succeed on the job.

Are the courses project-based?

Yes. We teach the real-world tasks of software engineers, so you get plenty of practice building projects using professional developer tools and IDEs. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must complete the project assignments within each course.

Course structure

Our curriculum generally follows a “read something, watch something, do something” format:

  • First, you read documentation that introduces a concept.
  • Next, you watch a video that demonstrates the concept.
  • Finally, you practice writing the concept in your IDE through lab exercises, assignments, quizzes, journal entries, project assignments and more.

Our curriculum may not include a video or assignment for every concept, but at the end of each course you’ll have the opportunity to implement all learned concepts into your capstone project.

Is Java hard to learn?

Java is considered more difficult to learn than Python, yet easier to learn than C or C++.

Despite the learning curve, Java enforces strong computer science fundamentals that make it one of the best programming languages to learn first. While it takes a bit more time to start building projects in Java than it does with a language like Python, after you learn Java, learning another language like Python will seem easy. On the other hand, if you learn Python first, Java will seem familiar, but will require more time to get comfortable with.

If you enjoy a good challenge and want the best possible chance of becoming a professional software engineer, we think Java is the best programming language to learn.