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What is “vanilla” JavaScript?

Vanilla JavaScript (aka vanilla JS) simply means regular JS without frameworks or libraries.

Developers coined vanilla JS as a joke for when a product lead insists on using a library for a task that can be done with JavaScript alone. “Sure, we’ll use Vanilla JS” 😉

Start the JavaScript tutorial series now.

Why learn vanilla JS?

  • Learning vanilla JS will set you up with a strong understanding of front-end web dev.
  • Vanilla JS is ideal for beginners, as well as experienced coders who want to learn JavaScript.
  • You can build complete, interactive web applications with Vanilla JS, and understand JavaScript basics to learn any JS framework thereafter.

Start the JavaScript tutorial series now.

Get professional guidance to make sure you’re doing it right

It’s one thing to follow a JavaScript tutorial, but another to build complete web applications that you feel confident explaining in an interview.

Meet weekly 1:1 with a JavaScript mentor, and reach out anytime you need help in our JavaScript bootcamp mentorship program.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in the JavaScript tutorial series?

Please visit the JavaScript 101 course and JavaScript 201 course to see the latest curriculum.

Does this program offer a JavaScript certification?

Yes. Certificates are available if you are enrolled in Premium Membership or a Bootcamp program. Here’s how to receive your JavaScript certification:

  • If you are enrolled in Premium Membership or Mentorship, you can request a certificate at the end of each JavaScript course.
  • We review your work and provide feedback for any remaining elements needed to issue your certificate.
  • Once you meet the graduation criteria, we'll issue your certificate to the email address associated with your account.

How much does CodingNomads JavaScript bootcamp cost?

We have three enrollment options with varying levels of access and support.

  1. Enroll for free: Track your progress and access thousands of pages of documentation.
  2. Premium Membership: Access all the videos, interactive content, apply for certificates, and join our Discord forum.
  3. Mentorship: get dedicated support from technical and career mentors - our version of an online coding bootcamp.

See pricing and enrollment options.

How does the online bootcamp mentorship program work?

Bootcamp mentorship programs help you learn faster and keep a strong pace, and also give you professional insight and a community to learn with.

In the bootcamp mentorship program, you’ll be paired 1:1 with a technical mentor for weekly meetings, and 24/7 access to reach out to the entire community for guidance and support when you need it. After you complete the curriculum with technical mentorship, you can enroll in career mentorship to help you land your next job.

Read about our online coding bootcamp mentorship programs.

Are there live lectures on a set schedule?

No. All lectures are pre-recorded, so you can complete the curriculum on the schedule that works for you.

The only live requirements are in our coding bootcamp mentorship programs, where you meet each week with your mentor.

Are the courses project-based?

Yes. We teach the real-world tasks of software engineers, so you get plenty of practice building projects using professional developer tools and IDEs. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must complete the project assignments within each course.

Course structure

Our curriculum generally follows a “read something, watch something, do something” format:

  • First, you read documentation that introduces a concept.
  • Next, you watch a video that demonstrates the concept.
  • Finally, you practice writing the concept in your IDE through lab exercises, assignments, quizzes, journal entries, project assignments and more.

Our curriculum may not include a video or assignment for every concept, but at the end of each course you’ll have the opportunity to implement all learned concepts into your capstone project.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a popular programming language for web development. JavaScript allows developers to add dynamic, interactive behavior to websites. It was originally developed as a client side, or front-end programming language, meaning that it executes in a web browser. With the addition of libraries and frameworks such as Express.js, Nest.js, and Meteor, JavaScript can now also be used for both front-end and back-end development, also known as full-stack development.

Start the JavaScript tutorial series now.

What is JavaScript used for?

JavaScript is most commonly used for building dynamic, responsive and interactive websites. Here are the most common uses of JavaScript:

  • Web Development: JavaScript handles user interactions and makes asynchronous requests to servers for data.
  • Front-End Development: JavaScript creates interactive user interfaces, validates forms, implements animations, and more.
  • Back-end Development: JavaScript can also be used for server-side development by using frameworks like Express.js, Nest.js, and Meteor. Developers can build web servers, APIs, and entire back-end systems using JavaScript, making it possible to create full-stack web applications using a single language.
  • Data Visualization: JavaScript is commonly used for creating interactive data visualizations and charts on websites. Libraries like D3.js and Chart.js are popular choices for building visually appealing data representations.
  • Mobile App Development: JavaScript can be used for mobile app development through frameworks like React Native and Ionic, which can run on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Game Development: JavaScript can be used to create browser-based games and interactive multimedia content on websites.
  • Web APIs and Integration: JavaScript is used to interact with various web APIs and services, enabling functionalities like fetching data from remote servers, sending and receiving data via AJAX, and integrating third-party services into web applications.
  • Web Browser Extensions: JavaScript is used to develop browser extensions and add-ons that enhance the functionality of web browsers.
  • Real-Time Applications: JavaScript can be used to build real-time applications, such as chat applications, collaborative tools, and online gaming platforms.
  • Automation and Scripting: JavaScript can be used for automation tasks, including browser automation using tools like Puppeteer or for scripting tasks in applications like Adobe Photoshop.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): JavaScript is used in IoT development, where it can be used to program microcontrollers and devices, interact with sensors, and build web-based control interfaces for IoT systems.

Start the JavaScript tutorial series now.

How long does it take to learn JavaScript?

How long it takes to learn JavaScript depends on your previous experience, your learning speed, and how much time you can commit.

On average, CodingNomads “vanilla” JavaScript 101 course and JavaScript 201 course take beginner students around 2-4 months to complete, when dedicating 15-20 hours per week to studying in our bootcamp mentorship program.

JavaScript vs Java

JavaScript and Java are two of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Both have a rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks and tools.

Despite the similarity in their names, and some similarities in their syntax, Java and JavaScript are two distinct programming languages with different purposes. Java is a general-purpose, statically-typed language used for various application types, and is commonly used for enterprise development. JavaScript is a dynamically-typed scripting language primarily used for web development.

Here are the main differences between JavaScript vs Java:

Type System

  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a dynamically-typed, interpreted scripting language, where variable types are determined at runtime. This makes it more flexible than Java, but can also lead to type-related errors that may not be caught until runtime.
  • Java: Java is a statically-typed, compiled language, which means that variable types are declared explicitly, and type checking is performed at compile-time. While this is less flexible than JavaScript, it helps avoid errors at runtime.


  • JavaScript: JavaScript is primarily used for web development, specifically for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites. It can also be used for server-side development (Node.js) and mobile app development (React Native, Ionic).
  • Java: Java is a general-purpose programming language used for a wide range of application development, including web applications, mobile apps (Android), desktop applications, and enterprise systems.

Execution Environment

  • JavaScript: JavaScript code is executed directly by web browsers on the client side. It doesn't require compilation into bytecode, making it accessible to web developers without any special setup.
  • Java: Java code is typically compiled into bytecode, which runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This allows Java applications to run on any platform with a compatible JVM.


  • JavaScript: JavaScript has a C-style syntax, but it is a more lightweight and flexible language than Java. It is also multi-paradigm, supporting OOP, functional programming, and imperative programming.
  • Java: Java has a C-style syntax with a strong emphasis on object-oriented programming (OOP). It uses classes and has a more complex type system compared to JavaScript.

Common Use Cases

  • JavaScript: Primarily used for front-end web development, creating interactive web pages, and building web applications. It is also used on the server side (Node.js) for building scalable and real-time applications.
  • Java: Commonly used for developing large-scale applications, Android mobile apps, enterprise software, server-side applications, and systems where performance and type safety are critical.