Start Learning
Python 101 - Introduction to Python
In this first module of the Python course, you'll learn how to code using the Python programming language. You'll get to know some of the fundamental concepts of programming, write procedural scripts, and build interesting projects that can show you the value of knowing how to code.
- Course
- Beginner
- Python
Java 101 - Fundamentals
Learn the fundamentals. This course starts from square one, installing Java, and continues through operators, variables, loops, and arrays. This course is the perfect first step for aspiring Java developers.
- Course
- Beginner
- Java
Data Science & Machine Learning with Python
Learn the foundations of data science and machine learning using Python. Learn how to think like a data scientist, and dive into ever-more advanced analysis and predictive modeling using data and code. Understand what it means to learn from data using ML tools and algorithms. Use real tools and build your experience with Jupyter Lab, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas, Scikit Learn, and more.
- Course
- Advanced
- Python
- Deep Learning
- Data Science & ML
Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Python
Learn the fundamentals of Deep Learning applications by building, training and deploying PyTorch models from scratch. You’ll work with transfer learning using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as well as learn how to deploy your models.
- Course
- Advanced
- Python
- Deep Learning
- Data Science & ML
Advanced Java + Spring Framework
Learn advanced Java and the Spring Framework to build highly scalable, robust, enterprise-grade Java applications. You'll learn modern development techniques and build dozens of complex applications such as RESTful APIs, dynamic web applications, fool-proof security systems and much more. When you finish this course, you'll be a legitimately capable software developer.
- Course
- Advanced
- Java
- Spring
SQL & Databases (MySQL)
Learn the fundamentals relational databases and the Structured Query Language (SQL) using MySQL.
- Course
- Beginner
- SQL & Databases
JavaScript 101
Gain strong foundation in core JavaScript. Learn the basics of what JavaScript is, where its run, through the fundamental syntax, events, requests, all the way to dynamic websites that you can host and share with the world.
- Course
- Beginner
- JavaScript
Not sure where to start?
Learn what you can do with different skillsets to decide what's right for you.
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